Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Dark Knight

To find out how you can download The Dark Knight and thousands of other movies right to your computer Click Here!

The Dark Knight, on DVD and Blu-Ray December 9, is one of the great blockbuster titles of this year. The Dark Knight is another title in the continued story of the comic book superhero Batman. No stranger to the big screen, Batman picks up in his story after leaving off in the last Batman movie titled Batman Begins. Returning to play our dark masked bat-eared hero of Gotham City is Christian Bale, a man who does an excellent job of playing the part of both Batman and his "by day" self Bruce Wayne.

The Dark Knight is a big production with a very large budget and an all star cast not limited to just Christian Bale. Perhaps the real star of this movie was the late Heath Ledger. Passing away earlier this year, Heath Ledger played the colorful and lively villain they call The Joker. Donning face paint, or makeup if you like, The Joker sets out to play tricks and generally act so crazy that even fellow bad guys cannot feel comfortable around him. Both Christian Bale and Heath Ledger performed wonderfully in this movie and the superior acting only adds to the already large budget with great special effects to make this a movie that almost anyone should love.

This movie is dark, containing violence that is quite prevalent, but that is the style of Batman as a hero. He was never the "avoid violence everyone is happy in the end" character in his decades as a comic book hero. His stories, comics, and movies have always been darker and a bit more violent than average for the comic book hero genre. You may want to keep children away from this title and reserve it for viewing by teens and adults. If you do have an age appropriate group of viewers though, they should love this wonderfully entertaining and very popular title.

Trent's Score for "The Dark Knight": A+ | Decide For Yourself: See The Dark Knight And Thousands Of Other Movies Now!

Don't Miss Out on the Blu-Ray The Dark Knight: Limited Edition with Batpod!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

To find out how you can download Star Wars: The Clone Wars and thousands of other movies right to your computer Click Here!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, on dvd November 11, 2008, is a Star Wars CG movie. While this does look a bit like something that you would see in a Saturday Morning cartoon lineup, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. While this was surely made to try and squeeze more money from the Star Wars name, I didn't feel like they were skimping on this movie. Watching this made me feel that the makers did take time and effort to really put out something that is worth watching.

This movie took a look at a part of the Anakin Skywalker story that wasn't covered in the theatrical trilogy (the most recent episodes 1, 2, and 3). While you don't need to know the story covered in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, I did enjoy it and think that it adds to the way that I view Anakin Skywalker before he took his big step over to the dark side. This story really helps show the personality of the character, adding to what the live action movies laid out.

The story of Star Wars: The Clone Wars has our main character, Anakin Skywalker, as a general in the clone army, fighting against the Separatist droid forces. The Hutts have a young family member kidnapped and it is left up to the Jedi Anakin and his new Padawan learner to rescue the child in hopes of strengthening Jedi relations with the Hutt family.

Featuring some talented voice actors and some decent CG work, this title was a surprise for me and one that I really enjoyed.

The Short Version: Star Wars: The Clone Wars on dvd is a CG movie sure to be loved by kids and Star Wars fans that has its story take place with a Jedi Anakin Skywalker before he made his move to The Dark Side.

Trent's Score for "Star Wars: The Clone Wars": B+ | See It And Decide For Yourself!

Make sure to check out Trent's aStore!

Hellboy II: The Golden Army

To find out how you can download Hellboy II: The Golden Army and thousands of other movies right to your computer Click Here!

Hellboy II: The Golden Army, on dvd November 11, 2008, was a sequel that I had been looking forward too since I saw the first Hellboy. I am a big fan of Ron Perlman and comic book movies in general. Movies based on comic books are typically films where you only have to worry about the acting and film work as you can be almost certain that it already has a solid story. If it didn't have a solid story, the comic book would likely never catch enough attention to be made into a movie.

This movie took the first movie and moved right along, staying true to the characters and adding to the journey that, Ron Perlman's character, Hellboy undertakes. A big budget movie, Hellboy II: The Golden Army features great makeup and special effects that help you enjoy the movie. There are some great movies that lack the budget that movies like this one have, but it just seems easier to enjoy a good movie when a solid budget is there.

The story of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army has our main character, a demon of sorts, and his group, of supernatural friends, seeking out a way to stop a bad tempered elf from reigning down an apocalypse upon the world. Simply put, just another day for Hellboy. The story is based closely on the comic and provides a great basis for which to show off the talent of the cast and provide some opportunities for impressive CG and special effects. This should be a fantasy story that both young and old can enjoy.

The Short Version: Hellboy II: The Golden Army on dvd is an action packed film that brings high production values and a great story to the screen, which should appeal to a wide range of viewers.

Trent's Score for "Hellboy II: The Golden Army": A- | See It And Decide For Yourself!

Make sure to check out Trent's aStore!