Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hellboy II: The Golden Army

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army, on dvd November 11, 2008, was a sequel that I had been looking forward too since I saw the first Hellboy. I am a big fan of Ron Perlman and comic book movies in general. Movies based on comic books are typically films where you only have to worry about the acting and film work as you can be almost certain that it already has a solid story. If it didn't have a solid story, the comic book would likely never catch enough attention to be made into a movie.

This movie took the first movie and moved right along, staying true to the characters and adding to the journey that, Ron Perlman's character, Hellboy undertakes. A big budget movie, Hellboy II: The Golden Army features great makeup and special effects that help you enjoy the movie. There are some great movies that lack the budget that movies like this one have, but it just seems easier to enjoy a good movie when a solid budget is there.

The story of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army has our main character, a demon of sorts, and his group, of supernatural friends, seeking out a way to stop a bad tempered elf from reigning down an apocalypse upon the world. Simply put, just another day for Hellboy. The story is based closely on the comic and provides a great basis for which to show off the talent of the cast and provide some opportunities for impressive CG and special effects. This should be a fantasy story that both young and old can enjoy.

The Short Version: Hellboy II: The Golden Army on dvd is an action packed film that brings high production values and a great story to the screen, which should appeal to a wide range of viewers.

Trent's Score for "Hellboy II: The Golden Army": A- | See It And Decide For Yourself!

Make sure to check out Trent's aStore!

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