Friday, November 7, 2008

Get Smart

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Get Smart hit DVD on November 4, 2008. It is a comedy action movie starring a cast including the funny Steve Carell, the talented Anne Hathaway, former wrestling superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and quite a few other talented faces that you might be familiar with.

I really enjoyed this easy to watch film. Get Smart had a solid cast of humorous personalities and I am always a fan of flicks with Steve Carell and Dwayne Johnson in them. While this movie was not a complete box office star, it still did well for itself and provided a solid comedy title that can be enjoyable for a family to watch. The production value seemed quite good for the genre and I felt that both the necessary budget and quality crew work was there to make the movie as good as it was.

The story involves an agent for a group known as CONTROL (the good guys) who ends up going up against agents of KAOS (the bad guys). Our agent and main character, Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) must stop a bombing in Los Angeles, working alongside a female agent (Anne Hathaway) who doesn't think that Max has what it takes to work in the field on an important assignment. Sparks fly between these two characters and you have to cross your fingers and hope that they can pull it together and stop the bomb in time.

While involving violence and some adult language, I am of the opinion that this movie is suitable for teens and should be quite enjoyable as it has an entertaining cast and a quick pace that shouldn't lose attention. If you are looking for something to watch with the family for a movie night, Get Smart is a good choice and a movie that lasts as long as it needs to without dragging on until you are just plain bored or ending sooner than you would like. It should keep attention of both teens and adults who enjoy action/comedy flicks.

The Short Version: A fun action/comedy movie that is teen friendly and has a solid cast that really makes up for any lacking in the story.

Trent's Score for "Get Smart": B | See It And Decide For Yourself!

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