Friday, November 7, 2008

The Good Life

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The Good Life, a 2007 Sundance Selection, came to dvd on November 4, 2008. It features a notable cast with actors Mark Webber, Chris Klein, and Bill Paxton, along with actresses Drea de Matteo and Zooey Deschanel, among others, all providing wonderful talent to this film.

The Good Life has a wonderful cast of familiar faces that really bring it to the table. It is a shame that the script and directing do leave something to desire and drag this film down from what could have been a very high place. I really feel bad for these talented artists of the silver screen as they brought an A game but lost out because of that which they could not control.

The story of The Good Life revolved around Mark Webber's character (Jason) working at a movie theatre who has trouble fitting in with the rest of the small town where he lives. He finds comfort in old classic movies until he meets Zooey Deschanel's character, Frances. Having Frances to stir up his life, Jason proceeds to make decisions that are the main focus of the film, in this coming of age drama.

I was not terribly impressed by this film aside from the above expected acting from the cast. The acting talent in this film really did save it and I would recommend if if you are a fan of any of the actors and actresses, or have not yet had the pleasure of seeing a work with Mark Webber in it.

The Short Version: A coming of age drama which is worth watching only for the cast and the talent they bring to the screen.

Trent's Score for "The Good Life": C+ | See It And Decide For Yourself!

Make sure to check out Trent's aStore!

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