Saturday, November 8, 2008

House Arrest

To find out how you can download House Arrest and thousands of other movies right to your computer Click Here!

House Arrest, a comedy, came to dvd on November 4, 2008. I want to start this review of House Arrest by saying that I am likely not the target audience for this film and I probably missed some things, but I do feel I have an overall close to complete understanding of this film and what its intentions are.

House Arrest has a has a fairly no name cast of that do what I would expect. They perform their roles within the overall expectancy for a film like this. There were no shining stars that I saw, just paid actors earning their money. Believe it or not, the vanilla acting from this cast was not the worst part of the movie. The script sounds like it was written by a couple guys with no experience writing, or even watching movies outside of How High and White Chicks.

The story of House Arrest is a stretch even for a comedy. It is a stretch that I would find offensive and an insult to my intelligence if I was in the position of the target audience for this film. I am going to skip the story as it is stupid and as I do not want to waste any more of my time reviewing House Arrest than I already did while watching the DVD.

The Short Version: House Arrest feels like a script written by wannabe Wayans Brothers or a Dave Chappelle without talent, with a story that I hope the target audience finds offensive, and a no name cast with an expected level of acting that is the only thing close to an upside.

Trent's Score for "House Arrest": F | See It And Decide For Yourself!

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