Saturday, November 8, 2008

Reaper: Season 1

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Reaper: Season 1, on dvd November 4, 2008, was an enjoyable watch for me. This television comedy features director Kevin Smith and it really shows he hasn't lost his touch. A solid cast featuring some younger talent combined with a story that is quite unique to television makes for an enjoyable watch.

Reaper: Season One has a cast that is very entertaining to watch and fit their roles well. The main character Sam, played by the fun-to-watch Brett Harrison, really shines as a reason to keep watching from episode to episode. Tyler Labine and Rick Gonzalez do a wonderful job as Sam's friends, providing plenty of humor and acting their parts very well. Missy Peregrym plays the beautiful girl that Sam holds as his heart's desire and she does a good job of filling her role perfectly. Perhaps one of the most interesting characters, and one that I have trouble deciding whether to love or hate, is The Devil (yes, the lord of the underworld) whom is played with great talent by long time actor Ray Wise. This cast is very enjoyable to watch and makes Reaper feel like one of the better shows out there.

The story of Reaper: Season One has our main character Sam being under the contract that his parent's made with The Devil before he was even born. This contract has Sam in the position of working for The Devil as a bounty hunter of bad souls that have escaped from Hell. While the story is quite silly, it makes for an excellent comedy and gets the viewer away from the all-to-common comedies on television that revolve around someone who lives in a normal city or a dysfunctional middle-class family living in the suburbs. While all may not enjoy it, this story was great fun for me and I think that anyone going into it realizing that it isn't just another television comedy should enjoy it.

The directing, script, story, acting, and just everything about Reaper: Season 1 makes it a great show that is worth a watch. I have to say that this show brings the full package to the table and was quite enjoyable to review.

The Short Version: Reaper: Season 1 is a comedy television show out on dvd that is great all around and was one of the more fun reviews I have done because I truly enjoyed every minute of watching it.

Trent's Score for "Reaper: Season One": A- | See It And Decide For Yourself!

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